

Monday, May 19, 2008

A few first flight covers

BOAC Comet Jetliner Service between London and Colombo via Rome, Beirut, Karachi & Bombay. A stop was introduced at Bahrain on the return flight.

A cover flown from Bombay to Colombo on the first flight.

BOAC had standard covers with a printed cachet for all flights with appropriate changes.

Lufthansa introduced Boeing 707 on their LH 562 route from Frankfurt to Accra via Abidjan in April 1978.

A special printed cover flown on the first flight from Abidjan to Accra. A special hand stamp was applied to mails flown on the first flight.

Air New Zealand introduced DC 10 aircraft on their service to the US in 1973.

A cover flown from Aucklank to Los Angeles on the first flight on 2nd April, 1973. The NZ post office postmarked all covers flown on the FF with a special postmark.

Alitalia inaugurated their Rome - Bombay air service on 4th March, 1959. A special postmark was used to postmark mail flown from Rome. A special hand stamp was applied to mails flown on the first flifht from Bombay to Rome.

Japan Airlines inaugurated a regular service between Tokyo and Bombay on 3rd July 1972. Attractive covers were specially printed for the first flight. Covers flown on the first flight from Bombay received a special round hand stamp.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Uncle Rudy,

    Nice blog! Very informative especially to someone who knows absolutely nothing about Aero-philately. :) I love those pictures that you posted!!!

    Looking forward to read more of your entries!

    Take care,
    PS: Please send my regards to everyone in Bombay. :)
