Lufthansa first flight covers to/from India.
As a halfway house across the globe, India is an important route on any airline. Thus Lufthansa's flights to the east have halts in India at various Indian cities notably, New Delhi, Bombay and Calcutta.
Lufthansa has been commemorating first flights with special covers and cachets/handstamps. These covers are quite attractive.
I have attempted a checklist of these first flight covers for collectors and posterity. I have been referring to "Seiger Katalog Der Luftpost Der Neuen Deutschen Lufthansa," published Summer 1976.
I have some covers which are not listed in this catalogue I refer to.
I request readers of this blog to check their collection and inform me if they have any covers not listed by me. Email me:
First flights to the East start with 1959
1.11.1959 - Hamburg - Calcutta
1.11.1959 - Dusseldorf - Calcutta
1.11.1959 - Frankfurt- Calcutta
Hamburg - Calcutta
Dusseldorf - Calcutta
Frankfurt - Calcutta
Bangkok 231 covers.
West Bound: As per Sieger, covers were flown from Calcutta to
Karachi - 110 covers
Athens - 114 covers
Rome - 113 covers
Frankfurt - 2316.
I have the Calcutta - Frankfurt cover but do not have, nor have I seen, the others. Do let me know if you have any.

23.1.1961. First Flight to Far East.
No covers to any Indian destination listed, nor seen. Covers and postcards were flown from Calcutta eastwards to Bangkok, Hong Kong & Tokyo. 3000 India 40p airmail postcards are purported to have been printed.
Special cover flown from Calcutta to Tokyo.
Postcard flown Calcutta - Bangkok
Postcard flown Calcutta - Hong Kong
Postcard flown Calcutta -Tokyo
Postcard flown Calcutta - Cairo on return flight.
Postcard flown Calcutta - Frankfurt on return flight.
1.4.1963. Boeing 720B Dusseldorf-Tokyo
I have an official cover flown Dusseldorf-Calcutta on flight LH 646, with special postmark. The postmark states its Dusseldorf-Tokyo Flight by Boeing 720B. But this flight is not listed in Seiger's catalogue.
I have this cover, but have never come across another one, nor seen one listed for sale.
6th September, 1963. New Delhi included on the far east route LH 648. Stages: Dusseldorf-Frankfurt-Rome-Cairo-Kuwait-Karachi-New Delhi-Bangkok-Hong Kong-Tokyo. Covers were flown from & to all stages.
Official Cover flown Frankfurt - New Delhi
Specially printed cover flown Frankfurt - New Delhi
Cover Flown Dusseldorf - New Delhi
Cover flown Rome to New Delhi
Lichtenstein acceptance for the first flight via Rome.
Cover flown Cairo to New Delhi
Cover Flown Kuwait - New Delhi
Cover flown Karachi - New Delhi
bears a special cachet
Eastward Flight took place on 7th morning. Hence the covers are postmarked 7th. The flight had left Germany on 6th September and the cachet wrongly gave this date.
Cover flown New Delhi - Bangkok
Official Cover flown New Delhi - Tokyo. Violet cachet
Cover flown New Delhi - Tokyo. Green cachet
Cover flown New Delhi - Tokyo. Black cachet
Official cover flown Tokyo - New Delhi |
Aerogramme flown Tokyo - New Delhi
West bound flight took place on 1st September, 1961.
Cover flown Delhi - Karachi.
Cover flown Delhi - Kuwait.
Cover flown Delhi - Cairo. Signed by all crew members
Covers for Frankfurt were hand stamped with the cachet in 4 colors - violet, black, red & green.
Official cover flown Delhi - Frankfurt. Violet cachet
Cover flown Delhi - Frankfurt - black cachet
Official cover flown New Delhi - Singapore
Official cover flown New Delhi - Sydney
Cover flown Sydney - New Delhi
Official cover flown Singapore - New Delhi
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