Not posted on my blog for some time for various reasons partly as we have been away from the city for some time. Been spurred to so after an email from another serious
collector The question he poses is what is a FFC? Too many fakes passing for the real stuff these days.
To me a cover should have been flown on the first flight for which there must be some evidence on the cover itself. A backstamp is very crucial evidence -but unfortunately not all postal administrations backstamp covers. Few covers flow to London for example bear a backstamp. However, sometimes airlines provide a receipt stamp eg. BOAC FFCs. In the pioneering era covers were often flown by airmen to survey a route and these covers were posted immediately on arrival. the covers usually bore the notation of the pilot.
Pilot/crew signatures attesting that the cover was actually flown on the flight too can be accepted. I am bit of a purist so I feel that there must be some postal intervention.
Cover flown from Karachi to Calcutta, posted on arrival at Calcutta.
Moving on to some aircraft stamps.A souvenir sheet of 10 stamps issued by British Indian Ocean Territory(BIOT) on 18th July 2003 to commemorate the centenary of first powered flight

Well, where is BIOT?
Check my blog tomorrow!!!!!!